I am so happy to announce that Blue Moon Swing is starting up again after a 3 month hiatus and has moved to Seattle !). The next dance will be

July 17th, 2015, 8:30pm

(and August 21st, too!)

at the Alki Masonic in West Seattle (read details here)

Blue Moon Swing is a free dance. Yes, free! However, we do accept donations 🙂  Any monies in excess of the cost of the venue are given to charity, and this month our charity will be a drawing for one Junior to be sent to Jordan & Tat’s upcoming workshops at the end of July. 

Rules for the drawing:

  1. Drawing is between 9:45-10:00pm.
  2. Each Junior (which means “under 18” per the WSDC) must be nominated by his/her teacher. Both teacher and Junior must be present to win
  3. One nomination per teacher (contest must have at least 3 different Juniors)
  4. teacher must be an established teacher recognized in the Seattle community, when in doubt I have several assistants who will help me decide
  5. Winning Junior is expected to actually attend the Jordan & Tat workshops and to come to the next Blue Moon dance in August to teach/demonstrate/show-off in 10 minutes or less the “big thing” they learned with Jordan and Tat.

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